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celebrating a birth


Quick! I'm trying to come up with a domain name so that I can take advantage of the Dreamhost domain sale, $10 for the year. I've got it down to www.kaleidescopeeyes.com, www.petitesorciere.com, and www.completerandomness.net. The first I like because 1) the word kaleidescope is cool 2) kaleidescopes are cool 3) it's from a Beatles song. I don't like it because of the drug connotations, and I don't have kaleidescope eyes (although, that, too, would be cool). I like the second because 1) it's in another language 2) it means little witch 3) I wish I was a witch. Finally, the third, well, just because. It's fun. So, I'm torn. I'm leaning towards the second, especially since then I could be all dorky and name my server Hermione. :) Anyway, I'm up for opinions. Other suggestions are welcome, too. As long as they are, you guessed it, cool.

Let's see, what else do I have to say. My headboard came yesterday - yay - but the guys didn't put the dust ruffle back on. No mean feat to get it on there. But, the headboard does look cool. I'm very happy.

Gavin and I went and saw Hero last night. We were one of five people in the theater. It is really, really good. I liked it a lot. It's in the same style as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and, according to Gavin, Iron Monkey. The movie is so fluid, brilliant, poetic, mystical. It was nice to go see a movie; the last one I saw in a theater was Shrek 2 in Germany in what, July? something like that; before that, it was Harry Potter in Sacramento in June. So it's been a while.

Kelly comes today! Kelly comes today! I'm so excited. Yay! I can't believe she's really coming. Of course, the house (and my room) is not in the condition that I had hoped, but what is one to do. It's better than it was, with a new bed for me, a new bedframe for Becca, a new futon, new curtains, the piano tuned, and extraneous other items. Besides, Kelly's seen the house before, so except for the disaster area that serves as my room, it's no big deal to her. She and I are going to be spending most of the weekend at the Mendecks' house with their dogs since they'll be out of town. It works out for them because otherwise they'd have to put Zoya and Roxy in a kennel because they, the dogs, couldn't stay with us (four dogs, one bird, six people, two bathrooms = trouble). And this way, too, Becca gets a real bed, and not just an air mattress. Happiness to all.

So far, I have a soccer game on Friday. I'm not exactly looking forward to it. For one, I don't think I'm in the best shape and I'll be playing all 90 minutes - most of the girls are out of town and furthermore, it's co-ed. Also, I haven't played more than a handful of times the past year (granted, it was against soccer-playing European guys, and I was able to hold my own), so I may be rusty. I have to go buy new shinguards, get my cleats back from Sarah, and hope that I don't get made fun of for my white socks because I can't find my blue ones. The stop at the sports store is in order for today, as well as Home Depot to pick up curtain hooks, and by my storage place (Katie has my extra key! I am SO happy!!! Yay for responsible friends!!!), and, whew, I don't know all what else. Maybe I should make a list.

Sarah thinks the first two domain names are too long and complicated. I agree she has a point. Problem is that so many of the good ones are taken.


This just in...Sarah suggested "carianne", and what do you know, www.carianne.net isn't taken! Yay. My new domain name. Awww...isn't it cute?

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