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a diamond in the rough


A post? Two days in a row? No, I'm not sick. At least, not in that sense.

There is a banner above my text box that says "Click for the lesbians...stay for the funny." Interesting.

Today, it is humid. Very much so. Not hot, just really, really humid. As in fog-up-glasses and clammy-hands humid. Most people will say, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." For me, it's not the humidity, it's the heat. I'm okay with humidity. In fact, I like it. I just don't like the heat so much. I'll take cold over heat any day. Snow? Bring it on. I loved it when it snowed in Strasbourg. Sarah and I actually agreed that we need to go live somewhere cold because we both love cold weather clothes like sweaters and jackets and long-sleeved shirts and such. Then there's Kelly, who wears toques (pronounced "tewks") year-round and whose favorite pants are her ski pants, something she would wear year-round, too, if she could.

Nearly everyone in my group is now engaged or married. There's only a handful of us singles left. Aye me. Mike, Ashley, and I were talking about rings yesterday - Mike recently got engaged to his girlfriend, Wendy, who does my hair and that of nearly everyone in the group and he gave her a two-carat ring very sparkly! - and Ashley said that at home, her family sort of has a family jeweler to whom they all go for their nice jewelry. Apparently, he loves the fact that she works at NASA and keeps giving her ring pops to bring back to us. She told him, I don't think they'll eat them. I reminded her that this group just might. After all, we did play kickball on Friday. That's right. Kickball. As in the game that every third grader plays. It was great. And we're already talking about doing it again. Picture it - a bunch of NASA engineers, all ages, playing kickball and heckling each other. Such fun! What do you think about that, Steve? I bet you're just jealous! :)

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