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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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you say tomayto, i say tomahto


I worked four hours on Sunday, and thirteen yesterday. Is it disturbing to anyone else that, by the time I left last night, I already had seventeen hours on the work week? Today will be ten, and the next three days will add another ten - each. So, I'm looking at a 57-hour work week MINIMUM. But, whenever I work EarthKAM (which is what I'm doing this week), that's how it always goes.

Speaking of work, there is currently construction going on behind MCC. There is a bunch of fencing surrounding the area, with signs that say DO NOT WATCH THE ARC. All in caps, just like that. People who work at NASA or any other acronym-heavy workplace might read that last word as "A-R-C", as I did. Do not watch the ARC. What the heck? What's an ARC? How am I supposed to not watch it if I don't know what it is? Why shouldn't I look at it? Isn't that a weiner dog printed on your underwear? Ahem. Sorry. Sidetracked. ;)

Or maybe it's just me, because it was my friends who also work at Acronym Central with me who pointed out that it's not "A-R-C" but "arc". As in, do not watch the arc. As in, the electrical arc that will burn your eyes out. Oh, you mean that arc? Riiight.

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