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are you ready for some football? not me.


So, last night was Super Bowl XL. As if it wasn't already big enough, now it's gone XL. (I know that means SB 40.) My idea of watching the Super Bowl is to TiVo it, watch the commercials and fast forward through the football. I mean, the Niners aren't playing, and neither are the Cowboys, so who really cares? Besides, the commercials have become almost, if not as much, of a draw as the game itself. My favorites:

3) Emerald Nuts; how can you not love the total randomness of "Eagle-eyed Machete Enthusiasts Recognize A Little Druid Networking Under The Stairs"?

2) McDonalds' hamster football mascot; the idea of a hamster mascot rolling out on the field in a giant hamster ball is priceless. Furthermore, the commercial must have cost something like $100 to make - rent the costume and pay the actor to wear it. It appeared right at the beginning, before the game, so I suppose that, technically, it's not, according to Google's list, a Super Bowl ad. Whatever; close enough for me. Serously, a giant hamster ball rolling out onto the field? Genius.

1) Budweiser Clydesdales; no suprise to anyone who knows me (I love horses). What did it for me, besides the fact that the ad featured horses, were the two adult horses pushing the wagon so that the foal thinks it's doing it on it's own, and the remark by the amused farmer to his dog, "If you don't tell, I won't." No, it isn't a repeat from last year.

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