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With a lot of negativity going on about the gasp! risk of space exploration - you mean there is risk? NO WAY! - it's nice to see people standing up for NASA and space exploration, such as Gene Kranz of Apollo 13 fame, and Elliot G. Pulham, President & Chief Executive Officer of Space Foundation. Of course, they're space-people, but they're the ones who are more well-informed than the general public and in a better position to be making any comment, ill or good. It's unfortunate that whenever such people have a critique of the space program in general and NASA in particular, everyone is quick to quote them endlessly as proof that our country's space program is going down the toilet. But when they say something good, they are, generally, blithely ignored except for endless e-mail forwards headed by "In case you haven't seen this" (of which I have been guilty more than once) within the space community and to friends and family of such. It seems to me, however, that, despite what appears to be heightened criticism of NASA and Return to Flight, that there is also more support, more understanding and more interest. I suppose that can't have one without the other, and as much as I'd like to squash the former, it looks like that there are plenty of people who are trying to do just that, and successfully so, too.

Only onr more shift for me, and then I'm done. I'll be really sad to see it over; as much as I'll enjoy having my evenings back, I rather like living in my STS-114/LF-1 Mission Control bubble, to hear and see what I do on the news, in the paper. In fact, here is a funny story for those who haven't heard: We had our shift picture a couple of days ago in the ISS Control Room and it happened to be broadcasted on NASA TV just then, so that when Kelly looked at the streaming NASA TV on her computer in Winnipeg, she saw ME! :)

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