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bang head here


There is a banging in the next room. Hopefully, it is not someone banging their head (or computer). If they are, however, I empathisize; while checking a Word 2003 document for spelling errors, the dictionary would randomly switch between English and Spanish. And I didn't even have the "detect languages automatically" button clicked. Gotta love Word. Is it any wonder I'm a proponent of Macs?

Today I had to work 10 hours; I knew it coming in today, but it seemed like ages and I didn't think that I would last. And what do you know, here it is, 10 hours later, and it's just flown by. I've outlasted my officemates. Time to go home, maybe, eh? =) I guess that that's what happens this close to flight (a week to go!!!); so much to do, so little time. Although, that can describe my general work life, it's even more true these last couple of days. Our branch is one of the larger ones; however, between staffing ISS and Shuttle sides, it's going to be depleted for the flight; an officemate and I figured out that it will be something like 35 people from DO5 working this mission. We're all keeping an eye on Dennis and our fingers crossed!


A Scotsman has once again stolen one of my cars. This time, it was Ollie, acting alone, and he took my truck (he did have my permission, of course). Left Monday while I was in Austin and haven't heard from him since. He told me that Becca had asked him to send it on a short trip over a long cliff. He also offered to sell it for me, or set it on fire, or a number of other ways that Becca suggested to dispose of my unappreciated-until-it's-needed-to-haul-something-around) vehicle. But, his stuff is still here, so I'm hoping that he'll come back. Preferably, with the truck. ;)

Speaking of my beloved roommate (I love you, too, Nick), Becca and I've talked about buying a house together when she sells this one. (Barring the unlikely event that either of us manages to revive our lifeless love lives by then.) We've talked about it, and know that to make it work, we'll have to come to a business arrangement, like who leaves when, etc. She's really excited about the possibility of living in a flying community. That does sound pretty cool. However, between her comments on my truck and her preference for Bennet's brother, Johnnie, over him (despite the fact that she unceremoniously stole my dog last night), I'm not sure that I want to go in on a house with her in a couple of years. ;) Especially since maybe I'd like to live in a waterskiing community as opposed to a flying community. How do you like THEM apples, eh???

Disclaimer: I am entirely teasing, unless stated otherwise.

Well, it's now 6:30. Time to update my timecard (to 10.5 hours; I have been doing other things at the same time, not just working on this for 45 minutes) and go home. Woo hoo!

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