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and in dreams | we will meet again


Last night I had two weird dreams. The first was that I was Scully from X-Files and trying to track this undead killer and walked in on an autopsy (that woke me up because it was just gross). Last time I ever watch CSI just before going to bed. The second was my high school reunion and all of the popular girls were there and they all ignored me and then at one point I was sitting naked at a desk, writing, because someone had stolen my clothes. Don’t you think that a psychiatrist would have a field day with me?

Not too long ago, I had another dream in which I tried to flirt with a good friend of mine, but was completely rejected. Apparently, I suck so badly at flirting that, even in my dreams where (theoretically) I call the shots, I am shot down. Go figure.

Maybe my unconscious has it in for me.

It's possible that my overactive psyche was spurred on by the fact that we weren't running the A/C and the deafening noise from the fans stationed in the hallway, bathroom and Nick's room, placed there by the five or so workmen in our house yesterday evening, to dry out the wall; water had seeped from the A/C down through the wall and pooled under the hallway carpet. We also now have a hole in the wall, dehumidifiers going and the water in the bathroom turned off in order to keep any humidity out of the air. And they tore up the carpet and padding of the hallway, all the way into Nick's room, but not mine, so Nick and the hallway get new carpet, but as Becca put it, I'm screwed. Nick fled with Ollie (bird, not Scot) to Tiff's, where he will likely stay for the duration. I'm sure that Becca, when she has a chance, will give a full update on the situation.


I think it's interesting that even having worked only 5 hours on Tuesday, I'm still going to have all of my hours in, if not more. At least I have to take (most of) next Tuesday off since I'll be coming into work at 7 p.m. for the pre-launch shift.


You know those mortgage refinancing ads on a lot of websites? I just saw one that featured an elongated pig containing all fifty states (click on your state for refinancing rates!) on his side. That's fine - I get the reference: pig for piggy bank. But there were all of these bats flying around on the ad. That was bizarre. But, I guess it did the job; I am talking about it, aren't I? But still, how bizarre.

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