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confessions of a bad dog owner


In my ongoing attempt to be the last of my blogging friends to report something, here is a neat video of Things that Fall from the Sky (Sarah beat me to it). In this case, Stardust and some meteorites (or is it meteorids? I know that there are three different names for the freakin' rocks, depending on whether it's in space, streaking across the sky as a "shooting star", or the remnants of said atmospheric entry that's just smashed into your car).

Anyway. Watch it. It's wicked cool. Yes, WICKED cool.

Installment #2 of reporting after-the-fact - this morning, Becca and I took the bandage off of Apache's leg. For those not up on the situation, Apache tore her ACL (yes, dogs have those ligaments) in her right leg last July, resulting in some very expensive surgery. She recently tore the same in her rear left leg, and had surgery just Wednesday. Taking off the bandage requires her to wear the Elizabethan collar to keep her from licking her stiches. Bennet is scared to death of the collar. And confused. He knows it's Apache, but not. Becca and I keep torturing Bennet by calling him so that he has to pass by Apache, and anytime she swings her head around, he dives for cover in case the Blue Headed Bare Assed Monster comes after him. It's ridiculously funny. How and why and from where my dog has such neuroses, I have no idea.

We are such bad pet owners.

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