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every day, gets a little longer


I physically, absolutely, can NOT get up in the mornings. Having to be at work yesterday around 8 was next to impossible. It's a struggle be in at 9, the start of the "core" hours when one is expected to be present and accountable. In fact, the only reason that I manage 9 is that I have Russian from 9:15 - 10:15. Which makes it even more pathetic because I don't show up in the office until about 10:30. I am such a slacker. Nick gave me a CD of thunderstorms to use as white noise to help me sleep, and it is, but still I wake up exhausted. I think I'm staying up too late and need to go to bed before 11:30. Don't worry, I'm still putting in my hours; I'm here until 5, 6 usually, even if I come in earlier. So I guess that it works out. Still getting my 8+ hours in.

Nick usually has a hard time getting up, but he's been doing better than me lately. Becca has been sleeping a lot, too, but that was because she was sick. It's like there's a curse on our house, a sleeping curse. But now I'm the only one left affected.

Too bad it only seems to apply to people. I can think of a couple of quadropeds to whom I'd like to apply this curse. Of course, I know that they sleep all day, as it is, in order to play fetch when we come home. Because, naturally, we want to. What other purpose do humans serve than to play fetch?

Warning: Prius talk ahead...
I won't say much. Today, I saw another new one on-site. Silver. They're popping up everywhere. I've seen two blue ones, a green-beige one, a red one. It's hard not to notice; they're so recognizable. Anyway, the main reason that I brought it up is that every single day when I come to work and show the guard my badge, he/she comments on the car. EVERY DAY. I'm the only that has a black one (so far), so I'm especially recognizable.

By the way, happy Cinco de Mayo! Not only that, regardless of what order you write the date (assuming you only use the last two numbers for the year), today, it's all the same: 05/05/05. Isn't that cool?

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