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what goes around, comes around


There must be something in the air. It's nearly impossible for me to get up and get going in the morning. This isn't the usual I-don't-want-to-get-up-and-go-to-work tiredness, but a complete, body-dragging exhaustion. I can't explain it. But then, last night, I don't think I slept that well, even though I slept for a long time. Having disturbing dreams will do that.

I had promised Becca that I'd take Sarah to the airport for her this morning, picking her up at 5:30 a.m. I was also going to take Nick. Becca kept ominously repeating "be there at 5:30". Yes, yes, I know. I went to bed at 9, checked my alarm about a billion times, and fell asleep. I woke up at 1, then 3, than 4. So, I'm still waking up, but the thunderstorm CD is at least helping me fall back asleep more quickly. In the meantime, I was dreaming that I couldn't wake Nick up, so I ditched him and left to go get Sarah, already late. She called me and gave me this crazy long diatribe, in a very sorrowful voice, about how I wasn't dependable at all and she should have known better and she was going to miss her plane and all that. The thing that bothered me was that, at this point, I was ~5 minutes late. I kept saying, no, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'll be there. Then, I took a wrong turn and ended up on my old road, Ridge Road, in Newcastle, California. Hmm. A little detour. So I called her and apologized and told her that she should just drive herself since I wasn't going to make it. Although, what good that would do, I didn't know, seeing as it was 7:43 a.m. and her flight left at 7.

Don't ask me why it was 7:43, or why I went from being 5 minutes late to 2 hours and 13 minutes late, or how I suddenly went from League City, Texas to Newcastle, California (a 36-hour drive); the mind, left to its own devices, is a strange thing.

Anyway, so I'm sure that didn't help. Well, at around 5 a.m., all three of us were up - me, because I was going to drive, Nick because I woke him up, and Becca to make sure that somebody was going to go get Sarah. (Her flight was of more concern than Nick's because 1) she didn't live with us and 2) her flight was earlier.) Nick decided to vote himself off the island, meaning, he would drive him and Sarah and just park, so that when he returned on Monday, he would have a car and could go straight to dance. Which was fine with me; I went back to bed, still randomly worried that somehow Sarah wouldn't make it to the airport and it'd be my fault. I don't think I actually truly went back to sleep, and finally dragged reluctant self out of bed at 8ish when cheerful Becca bounded through the house, a game in which the two dogs eagerly joined (a bit of an exaggeration, of course, but to the sleep-deprived ogre that was me, that's what it seemed like).

Becca thinks maybe I'm low on iron. I don't know. Jo says she's having a hard time. So's my officemate and her husband. Maybe there is something going around.

Another thing to add to my pile of clothes to go: the jeans I'm wearing today. They're too short. They must have shrunk in the wash. I caught my reflection and I look pretty silly. Grr.

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