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a country called flem


There are few things more lovely than a homemade pizza with the cheese melted just right. There are few things more depressing than finishing it and realizing that there's no more.

Ah well.

I was hoping that I'd be able to go home early today, but I'm not so sure. I haven't quite given up all hope - which, Gavin, is why I didn't join you all for lunch; by working through it, I can go home that much earlier - but it's not looking too promising. I have a meeting tomorrow to get ready for, which is the main thing, and despite all of my best intentions, it seems that 5 p.m. is about the earliest I can get out. I don't know how that happens. Yesterday, the two hours between 3 and 5 are a blur. I really don't know what I did to fill them. Somehow, I finished a meeting at 3 and next thing, it was 5.

I have been getting to work very late. And by late, I mean 9 or 9:30. Last week it was on purpose because I knew I'd be staying late, but I ended up staying up late, and that, at least, has carried over through the weekend and into this week.

I had meant to go to bed early last night, but then Becca put on The Prince and Me and I ended up watching it. I love that movie because 1) it shows that a girl CAN have it all and doesn't have to choose between love and career, 2) the prince is damn hot, and 3) I'm a sucker for the mushy, chick-flick, romantic fairy tales.

I also hate that movie because 1) she gets it all and 2) it's a fairy tale. I seriously need to stop watching those kinds of movies. It causes my imagination to picture similar, yet highly unrealistic, scenarios in my own life. An intelligent, funny, hot, young prince could move to Houston and fall madly in love with me, right? Right? RIGHT???

Bueller? Bueller?


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