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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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'Heaven bent to take my hand | And lead me through the fire | Be the long awaited answer | To a long and painful fight'

1:30 p.m.

This weekend is going to be very tame compared to my recent adventures. I lost a bet and have to cook dinner for a friend tomorrow. Might go see Girl With a Pearl Earring at some point, and maybe a soccer match. Also, finish my book, Atlas Shrugged, clean my flat, catch up on laundry, finish my thank you notes, and other domestic tasks.


The French radio station that I listen to sometimes, "Top Music", basically plays the same songs over and over, but recently they've started playing a couple new songs, including Fallen by Sarah McLachlan and My Immortal by Evanescence, which I like very much.

By the way, if you're looking for song lyrics, this is a pretty good site.

There's another radio station that I listen to, in German. They play my song (Hey Carianne by The Hollies) and the other day they played a song called Sacramento. Because I thought it was funny, I looked it up and it's by a band called Middle of the Road. Here are they lyrics:

middle of the road + sacramento


There's something about the weather that ev'rybody loves,
They call it the Indian Spring of Sacramento,
Oh, when the sun is up in the sky,
The wind is coming by the River Side Coast ev'ry day,
You're in Sacramento, a wonderful town,
(sing sing sing ding-a-ding).

There's something about the people that everybody knows,
That gives you a tender feeling of protection.
You're feeling lonely, but you don't know
Until that sad old feeling here inside you starts to grow.
You're in Sacramento, a wonderful town, (sing sing sing ring-a-ding).

Now the spring is near again,
And you thinking upon the evil nights so lonely,
But you can ease you at a smile
With all these people and a loving man
In Sacramento -

There's something about the weather that ev'rybody loves,
They call it the Indian Spring of Sacramento,
You're feeling lonely, but you don't know
Until that sad old feeling here inside you starts to grow.
You're in Sacramento, a wonderful town, (sing sing sing ding-a-ding).

I don't know about you, but I am amused.

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