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you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

5:19 p.m.

Problems with returning from a 5-star hotel: returning from a 5-star hotel.

We got back on Tuesday from a lovely, lovely trip to Tunisia. For all of those who thought I'd get stoned or spit upon or sneered at, well, I did get harrassed but it was more because several guys in town thought I was Spanish and apparently liked Spanish girls. But other than the fact that we were blatantly tourists and the local townspeople kept trying to hawk their wares - everything from cheap bracelets to tours - nothing untoward happened.

The hotel, Mahari Hammamet, was absolutely wonderful. We had breakfast and dinner provided, and only snacked through the day so we didn't spend very much on food. We spent the first day at the hotel's private beach and then went into the nearby town of Medina. It was about 70 degrees, but there was a breeze which made it quite a bit colder and our bikinis only made a brief appearance, but we did wear them!

On Sunday, several of us - Mark, Serina, Nick, and I - rented a car and drove up through the north of Tunisia and stopped briefly in Carthage. We bribed a shady looking guy to let us in to see a Roman amphitheater and ran around it for a few minutes. It would have been nice to have stayed longer, but we had a late start and didn't have much time. The next day, all 10 of us piled into two rented cars and drove 4.5 hours to Matmata, spent about an hour taking pictures of Mos Eisley Cantina and the Skywalker compound (same place!) and then spent another 4.5 hours driving back. Crazy, I know, but it was worth it. I even wore my Han Solo socks. The only thing was that I was not feeling well and still drove. However, I was NOT going to miss this trip. So, that makes three continents that I've visited, three continents on which I've driven.

On Tuesday, we returned to a snowstorm in Strasbourg.

And that's pretty much it. I know that my entries are usually much longer, but there's not a whole lot to tell. We really had a great time, and loved the hotel and the staff - they were the best part. They were so incredibly friendly, and were beyond excited when they discovered that Munir spoke some Arabic. There was live music two nights, and I managed to get Nick to dance with me when they played some swing and waltz music, just for us. There was a girl who worked for the hotel whom we befriended and wow, could she dance.

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