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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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come and hold my hand | i want to contact the living


I am going to learn German. I'm determined. Sabine is helping me. She speaks to me in German now, slowly, using simple words and phrases and I'm actually doing okay. If someone asks about the day, date, time, etc. I can answer, but it takes a minute because I have to think about it. Numbers I have down almost completely - I have few problems in the stores when they say the cost.

Yay me.

One of the ESA guys, Peter, who actually helped set up my internship, is here from ESTEC and he was complaining about how he cannot "play" with English and Dutch (ESTEC is in the Netherlands) like he can in German. Hmph. I told him I'd settle right now for just being able to speak a language at all. His English is nearly accentless. All of the people here are amazed at how little of a foreign lanugage Americans learn, if any. Students here are required to take a foreign language from grade five.

We have a phone. A landline. So all of you who complained about calling me on my cell phone (which you mitigated by NOT calling at all!!!), no longer have an excuse. Well, okay, you do for a little longer because what the number is, we don't know. That's right. We have a phone but don't know the number. Beth set it up and for some reason they didn't give it to her (I was hopped up on medicine at the time so didn't pay too much attention). Either we wait for a bill or go by the store. But, they said it would work on Monday and yesterday morning, sure enough, it was working. But when I have it, your days of excuses will be over! Bouahahahaha...

10-10-987, I have heard, works quite well. Learn it. Love it. Use it.

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