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never something i could hide | when i see we've made it through another day


Happy Cinco de Mayo one day late. I had to explain that to Dinesh yesterday. Silly Brit. Beth was on the phone to her boyfriend, Tyler, and I yelled out "Happy Cinco de Mayo, Tyler" and Beth responded with, "he said 'Happy Fifth of May', Cari'". I am not sure if either of them understood the significance. Silly Canadians. ;)

Tuesday I received a ticket because I forgot my tram pass. Every single day I've had it, but the one day I am checked, of course I forgot it. The worst of it was that they got on one stop before mine. One more stop, and I would have been in the clear. Boo. I said I was student, had a student pass, but I am not sure if he believed me because the first thing I grabbed that had my picture on it was my EADS badge. Hm. So yesterday I took the ticket, my tram pass, my passport, my student IDs, everything to the office. They rescinded the ticket and I only had to pay 7� for being so stupid as to forget my tram pass.

Last night Beth and I went on an adventure to IKEA. We left at 6. An hour and ten minutes later, after taking two trams and a bus ride through heavy traffic, we arrived. IKEA is located just south of Bremen, and at the last stop in the city, the digital station-announcing voice said a bunch of incomprehensible German. We understood the part about leaving Bremen, but what was that about out of city, two more stops (we knew that), tickets? Huh? Did we have to pay extra? Beth and I figured we'd play dumb if it came to it. Besides, the bus drivers don't even look at the tickets, and we don't necessarily have to get on in the front but can get on the middle part (once, I tried to show a driver my pass while getting on but he completely ignored me). It wasn't a big deal. They never checked.

IKEA was less than exciting because we were trying to hurry. We got what we needed, and Beth waited in the seemingly endless line to pay. With cash, as it turned out, because they didn't take credit cards. What kind of freakiness is that? Good thing we had enough. I, meanwhile, bought us dinner - hot dogs and cokes. ;) While all of you statesiders are raving about In-N-Out, Mexican food, etc., Beth and I were excited to see that it is once again hot dog season at IKEA. The simple joys in life. After eating quickly, we ran to catch the last bus, and finally made it home around 9. A three-hour trip, and most of it traveling. Don't think we'll be visiting IKEA again anytime soon.

The dollar is losing ground again. It is back up to $1.21 to the Euro. It was down to $1.18 a couple of days ago. Grrr.

Here's a fun fact for the day. So, I thought that the Texans were bad about smoking. It would make me long for the laws of California. Ah, Cali. Non-smoking bars and restaurants. No need for the ridiculous non-smoking sections; how non-smoking are they when you're sitting on the other side of a railing from heavy chain smokers? Still, I'd be happy with that right now. In fact, I'd be happy with non-smoking offices. I used to complain that all of the buildings at NASA smelled like smoke outside. How one has to walk through the haze of smoke to get inside. Never again shall I complain. That changed when I went to France. The French are heavy smokers. However, they are nothing compared to the Germans. Here, they smoke inside. In stores, in offices, in the cafeteria, wherever and whenever. In France, it is condom vending machines. Here, it is cigarette vending machines. And they are everywhere, at least a couple per block. There is even an ash tray outside the restroom on my floor, and one in the toilet stall. Craziness. Okay, maybe that fact was not so fun. For me, anyway, since I have to live with it.

I had breakfast this morning, and yet, I am already hungry.


I forgot to mention that we have a phone number now. It is: 49 (0)421-380-3184. From outside Germany, don't use the (0). Tsch�ss.

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