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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work I go


Beth pointed out that I don't even know my own address. She's right. E-mail address, that is, for work. Fortunately, she's smarter than I and when I gave her my boss' e-mail address so that she could let him know I was sick, she was able to figure out that I'd switched "eads" and "space", and on my blog, too. Anyway, it's changed now, but for reference, it is [email protected]. There we go. I've also finally fixed the "Contact" link at the top of the page, which will allow you to send me e-mail at my hotmail account.

Not much to share, otherwise. Very low-key weekend. Bremen is really nice, and except for some rain, the weather has been beautiful. On Saturday, Beth, Dinesh, and I went out to the flea market on the river. It's like a giant garage sale, but there were also a lot of food stands, and Beth and Dinesh saw some musicians and Latvian dancers (I had left because I was still feeling quite ill).

Dinesh starts work today at EADS, and has yet to find a place to live. Beth and I are realizing just how lucky we were to find a place, and one as nice as we have for as cheap as it is.

The people here are incredibly nice. I've never met any nicer. I was asking Sabine, with whom I share an office, about a place to rent videos and she didn't know because she doesn't live in Bremen, so she called Inga over, but Inga doesn't live in Bremen, either. Instead of it stopping there, Inga said that her boyfriend has several English movies and she'd be happy to bring some in for us to borrow. Just offered, I didn't ask or anything! Then, Sabine looked up places online for me and printed out information on some (including a mail-order rental shop). Wow.

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