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jet-assisted take-off


My CPU is again thinking that it's a jet and wanting to take off. A lot more often. Like, every few minutes. I'm a little scared. I know it's going to blow up on me, and then let's talk about lost time at work. It's supposed to be new. Replaced just before Christmas because the new one that I received two months before that decided to wake up one morning with a corrupted C: drive. Oh, the joys.

And I just deleted all of my bookmarks from Firefox, my main browser. Some of them were really hard to find. That can only mean one thing - it's definitely more than time for me to go home. Which I am going to do immediately. Have a good weekend, everyone.

Just for reference, it took me four minutes to write all of this, and my computer's fan has ramped up three times. Oh, there's number four. Okay, bye-bye. I'm outta here!

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