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and with the night there came a shape so sleek and seductive, as if it was part of the very darkness itself


I have a new car, and it's awesome. I'm not going to go off on it, but it really is pretty gosh darn cool. I'm scared to death of it. The thing's smarter than me. Anyway, enough blather. Here are the pictures.

Here she is, brand-spankin' new.

My car, with Nick's behind it, and Bennet and Apache posed next to it, thinking that they're going to get to go for a ride.

Nick came in last night, and not dramtically at all (right) sighed and said, "Ah, our two Prii, next to each other". Becca quipped, "Maybe they'll have baby Prii." Before someone tries to correct my pluralization of the word, "Prius" comes from a Latin word meaning "before", and it's anyone's guess what the plural is - Prii ("Pree-i"), Priuses, who knows. Prii sounds reasonable, so if you don't like it, well, TOUGH. :)

The next few days are going to be questionable as far as sleep is concerned, seeing as I have to work part of a night shift both tonight and tomorrow. At least it's not as bad as EarthKAM for STS-99, when we had 11 dyas of rolling 6-hour shifts (6 on, 12 off, 6 on), and had to fit in both sleep and classes with their associated midterms, homework assignments and projects. Often, sleep and class amounted to essentially the same thing. Anyway, point being, thankfully it won't be that bad, but it'll still be interesting. Friday night can't come fast enough, in my opinion.

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