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fixing canada


I have been meaning to say something for the last week, so excuse me for being behind the times. Last Monday, the Canadians elected conservative Stephen Harper as their new PM. I'm rather amazed, to be honest, as it seemed to me, even with my tenuous grasp of Canadian politics, that the Canucks were no great fan of Bush and rejoiced in all that made them NOT American. ;)

During the last election, there were articles popping up all over the place about desperate Dems threatening to head north, spikes in hits on immigration pages and even a short-lived website www.marryanamerican.ca about marrying to save liberal Americans from certain downfall at the hands of the GOP. Now, they've elected a conservative, making them MORE like America. According to Rick Mercer of the CBC, it should, at least, make things better, governmentally, between our two countries.

The best part of all this: on last Monday's satirical "Colbert Report", Stephen Colbert claimed that, after only ~70 days or so of the Report, he's fixed Canada. Brilliant.

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