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Wuv, twue wuv

7:53 p.m.

Nick took two rocks back with him to the US last week. Now that he's returned, the stories can be told. So, first, it must be stated that:


Yay, I am so happy for him. That is awesome. He returned late yesterday and apparently IM'd Serina who spread the rumor and today he told us how it happened. It's a very sweet story, and although he and Krista had been talking about marriage for a while, she had no idea that it was coming. She didn't even know that he was visiting the US! The dramatic events are recounted in their entirety in here, but the short story is that they were in Silver Dollar, Missouri and went ahead to church to "save seats" for the rest of the family. She wanted to go back and get them but he said no, wait. Then he said that he thought that he saw them, so she turned to look and when she turned back he was down on one knee.


Nick also took back the moon rock that had been here for a while. It was in a diplomatic bag and everything and customs security was so focused on it that they completely ignored the fact that he had smuggled six bottles of wine from France in his luggage. That boy gets away with everything.

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