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to hell with this


I am such a lazy slacker; I have all of these grand ideas - get into work at 7 a.m., put in a good-day's work, leave around 3. RIGHT. That happens. I am a morning person; really - I love mornings. I just also really love my sleep. Shades of personality at war. Unfortunately, sleep usually wins out.

Everyone needs to go see Serenity; I've already seen it twice and plan on at least one more viewing. You don't have to be a die-hard SciFi geek to enjoy it; as Sarah said once, it's like Star Wars meets Tombstone. Sounds crazy, I know, but it works, and it's getting good reviews (see below). And if it does well enough, then hopefully they'll either bring back the series, Firefly (preferable tho' difficult, given how many secrets revealed in the movie), or make prequel/sequels. Go see the movie! DO IT.

"Pulling up in second this weekend is Serenity, Joss Whedon's take on what a space opera is in 2005. Serenity did okay over its opening frame, grossing $10.1 million, thanks mostly to the cult success of its creator and its originating TV Series called Firefly. Notable here is that the venue count was actually quite low for an sci-fi flick at only 2,188. That gives Serenity the second best venue average in the top ten at $4,634, which means it stays ahead of new films despite having fewer screens in the per venue battle. We often talk about how the second weekend of a film's release is so crucial, and it's even more important in this case. Because this movie is based on a TV show that only a renegade few watched and stars no one mainstream audiences would know, the second weekend drop could be inherently precipitous. However, Serenity does seem to have reviews and word-of-mouth on its side. At RottenTomatoes, a much higher than expected 80% of critics gave this one a thumbs up, a number I certainly did not think it would see. Not only is this one fresh in the critics' eyes, but also in the Users of RottenTomatoes. Signed-up users of the review compilation Web site combine to give this a 92% fresh rating. Sure, it may just be a bunch of freaks and geeks, but remember that this same demo made Napoleon Dynamite a $44.5 million winner against a production budget of $400,000. Universal and partners spent a small $40 million on Serenity, a good investment for this kind of opening weekend. If it doesn't drop crazily next weekend, a franchise could be born. Ah hell, with this sort of open it's probably a franchise already. A decent follow up weekend probably makes it a trilogy. It worked for Transporter 2, so there's no reason not to do it here."

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