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finally, finally a post about the endless excitement that is my life


I know it's been a month and I haven't updated since returning from New York due to a crazy schedule at work (same ol' story), among other things. However, here's my brief synopsis: It was a great trip. New York is unlike any city I've ever been in, and exactly how I expected it to be - one non-stop hive of activity. I could never live there for my entire life, but I could for a year, maybe two. I *definitely* want to go back and visit some more.

I ended up making it onto The Daily Show, and now I�m totally in love with Jon Stewart. He�s AWESOME. He came out before the show and took questions from the audience, and I asked him a question! Lame question, but still, I talked to him. Becca's friends were really great; I immediately felt at home with them, and I met more of her aunts (she has them in abundance). We saw "Spamalot", a musical based on "Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail", and it's better than the movie; I laughed the whole time. In fact, during the scene with the French castle, I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. It�s coming to Houston in a bit and a friend of mine really wants to see it and I said I�d definitely go again.

After New York, we headed back to Pennsylvania and I rode Becca's Aunt Julie's horse, Callie, whom Julie tried to sell to me. I must say, I was (am) sorely tempted; I wish I had a house with a barn/pasture for her because then I totally would buy her (she's a great deal). My parents would probably say "told you so", as they've been after me to buy a house, condo, anything for the last couple of years, ever since they've given up on me ever getting married. Anyway, on Sunday, I had the best cheesesteak I�ve ever had in Philly (of course). Expensive, but worth it. Then, back to Houston.

Nothing of note since then, really, except my parents came into town and I finally visited friends in San Antonio and their new baby. Did go to Oktoberfest in Fredericksburg (near Austin) with friends, which was FAR different than the one in Munich - to be expected - and was more like a craft fair with beer and some German food.

And that brings us to today. All caught up, just like that.

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