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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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this is what happens when i have a lot to say but don't have a web-log style blog...yet


There is nothing in the world like being THIS CLOSE to finishing something, and then realizing that maybe you are not so close, after all. Maybe you need to do it over. Maybe what you THOUGHT you understood, you didn't really. What fun! This has been the longest week. I am EXHAUSTED; how is it only 10 a.m.?? With a full 8 hours still to go??? I have 50 unread e-mails in my Inbox, 250+ total, when I used to meticulously keep it down to 100, thought I was doing alright then, and couldn't stand having any unread e-mails. ARGH. SO looking forward to Austin this week; going to involve a lot of water and not much else; Rachael and I are going to ride down a lazy river on tubes in San Marcos tomorrow while Becca stays behind and does homework, and Sunday, the three of us are going to go to Hamilton Pool (some cool pictures here, description here) and here, with video. Ahh... the laziness of it all!

When I come back, Nick will have painted my room a color called "Monet Lily", a lovely light blue/purple. That is all part of my redecorating plan (which I can ill afford, admittedly, but that's what credit cards are for!); new ceiling fan - one that actually WORKS - new bedding, new window coverings and, er, that's it. Not outrageous, but I've been meaning to do it for ages and no time like the present, right? Hey, Becca, can I put stars on my ceiling? Had them when I was little, and always loved them. The little, glow-in-the-dark ones that are completely unnoticable in the light.

This morning - a true comedy of errors. I have two cars. Yup, two. A truck and a Prius. Yesterday, they were parked side-by-side (yes, should have done one behind the other). So, sure enough, both Nick and Becca park behind me. No biggie; Becca's been out the door before or with me most of this week, and Nick wanted me to wake him up early, anyway, and I could get him to move his car, if need be. This morning, I'm dressed, ready to go, and they're both in the shower (separate ones, mind you). So, I'm stuck and must wait until they're dressed, 20 minutes later. Nick gets the bright idea that we should all carpool - fine by me, but I MUST stop for kolaches (my turn). We head out to the car, and what do I discover, I've left my badge inside. 20 minutes of watching TV, waiting for them to hurry up and get ready, and I am the one holding everyone up. Go figure. People, it is reasons like THIS that I can NEVER be on time. Becca is now antsy because she has to be at work at 8:15. Well, WHOSE FAULT IS THAT. Granted, I could have remembered/found my badge in the 20 minutes that I waited, but it was only Nick getting his badge out that reminded me, so chances are, regardless of when that happened, I'd still have spent the five minutes looking for mine. SO, if they had been ready 20 minutes earlier, I'd have spent five minutes looking for mine, and we'd still be in excellent shape. ANYWAY. Enough self-exoneration, but I feel the need because I am sure that Becca will lay the whole thing at my door and conveniently forget that they kept ME waiting for 20 minutes. ;) Just like, regardless of when her fish actually dies, it will be my fault because I almost killed it once.

So we stop for kolaches and continue on when, suddenly, all of the lights on Nick's dash come on because, for the third time in not quite a year, Nick has run out of gas in his Prius. Fortunately, because it is a hybrid, he was able to use the electric engine to turn around and go to the gas station a couple hundred feet away. He put about two gallons in, and finally, finally, we were really going. I think Becca made it on time, or was at least with a minute or two. Seriously, how crazy is all of that?

I have forgotten the password to something, it's really bothering me and last night I dreamt about it. I also dreamt that Becca and I were in Toronto, needed to go to the airport, but had a complete idiot of a cab driver who took us to the Police Station instead, and then I told him to go to Intercontinental (Houston's major airport), at which point Becca pointed out that we were in Toronto. The cabbie had had enough so he got out of the cab, in the middle of the freeway, and Becca and I drove it from the backseat. You think we're bad behind the wheel, only imagine what we'd be like from the back, as real backseat drivers.

Next week, I've signed up to help out with donations, etc. for Katrina victims. It will be nice to actually do something.

Oops, just decapitated my alien; better go. Later. Happy Labor Day Weekend, everyone!

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