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win some, lose some


When I walked out to my car this morning, realizing that I'd left the windows partially down and it rained earlier, I should have turned right around and crawled back in bed. Downhill from there.

As usual, it's never anything major, just a lot of minor things that, by themselves, would not be a big deal, but snowball into something larger. Mountains out of molehills, if you will. I'm not the only one that feels this way, either; it seems a lot of my coworkers are having a bit of an off day. I've never said this before, but I wish that we had work yesterday, and then today wouldn't be so bad.

But yesterday was lovely, spent at Hamilton Pool. Swimming, lounging, hiking, eating. And since everything worked out okay, better than it was looking this morning, I'm happier for having had the day off.

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