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poisson d'avril


Happy April Fool's Day, everyone!

Today is the last day for this crazy shift. The 2 a.m. start time is pretty difficult for me. If it were a few hours earlier, or later, it would be better. Coming in at 4 a.m. I could handle because it would mean being able to go to bed at a (more) reasonable hour. Or starting at 9 or 10 p.m. would be okay, too, because that means getting off earlier and actually salvaging some of the sleepable night. In fact, it really wouldn't be so bad because you come in after everyone's gone home, and you leave before everyone comes back in. That way, you don't get trapped into staying after your shift, or coming in early. Which is what happens a lot to me - I think only Tuesday was I able to go home directly after my shift; every other day, I've had to go back to the office for a meeting or two. Plus, I get my second wind around 11, so I'm not really tired and it's hard for me to go directly to sleep and I end up staying awake and finally going to bed around 4 or 5, sometimes later and then I'm tired the next morning... The cycle continues.

This week, I was a little more successful in that when I got home, I took a nap, woke up for a few hours when my roommates got home to be social, and then went back to bed. Yesterday, I even called Becca around 11:30 and suggested Mely's for (her) dinner, which sounded like a great idea because I was hungry and thought I'd be able to get some sleep and then get back up. Wrong! Yesterday was my "crash" day - I went home and watched West Wing and took care of some work that wouldn't go away and finally fell asleep at 3:30. I fully planned on getting up later, but when Becca came home at 7:30ish and after ~20 minutes of trying to convince myself that I was hungry and needed to go to Mely's, I gave it up for lost and told Becca I really didn't want to go, but would rather go back to sleep. Poor girl! I felt really bad; she was disappointed, I know, but I'm wondering if she ended up getting Mely's, anyway, because I saw their signature chips out on the counter this morning... :) Anyway, sorry, Becca. Oh, and thanks for being so considerate with having the TV down so low! (I'm sincere, not sarcastic, in case there was any thought of that.)

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