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confessions of a sleep-deprived dog owner


My alarm clock/radio has a white noise feature consisting of sounds like crickets chirping, waves crashing, etc. meant to help one fall asleep, which it does for me. Growing up in the country, I'm used to the crickets so that's what I usually put on, thereby masking the TV and other external noises. Lately, however, I've been putting it on thunder to get Bennet used to the sound as he's developed a fear of thunder and lightening, but it doesn't seem to bother him. Damn smart dog can tell the difference between the noise emenating from the sound machine and the real thing.

Last night was the start of the storm currently raging, and at the first clap of thunder he jumped on my bed uninvited, something that he never does. From the sound and the fury, his poor heart racing, he couldn't get away. Being up on the bed, pressed up against me (or rather, on me), wasn't enough; at each clap or each flash, he would get up and try to find another spot on the bed that would protect him. He seemed to think that if he laid on me (preferably, my face), then that would work. But no, so up he'd go again, stepping on rather painful parts of me. When I had enough, I'd kick him off, but at the next instance, he'd be right back on. Finally, after about an hour of this, he seemed to understand that if he settled down, he'd be allowed to stay on the bed, for which I'm very thankful as, although I'd thought about it in order to get some sleep, I couldn't kick the poor frightened beastie out of my room. That would have been too cruel.

Needless to say, I'm a bit tired this morning and my decision to skip Starbucks on the way in (and it was an early morning) was not the smartest. I'll be lucky if I make it to 1. This is one reason why I'm scared to have kids; I've heard the stories and I don't think I'd be able to handle the sleepless nights. Ask anyone - I am NOT a happy camper or productive when suffering from lack of sleep.

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