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crazy texas weather


I'm sure I've commented on this before, but really, it's pretty crazy. I dragged my sorry little behind into work about an hour and a half ago. It was raining some, not hard, which was fortunate because my umbrella was in my office. Not long after, repeated thunder claps boomed across the sky. It grew darker outside as the rain grew harder until it was nearly impossible to see the trees across the street. That lasted about half an hour before starting to abate. Now, merely 1.5 hours after arriving, the sun's coming out and you'd never know anything had happened except for the large puddles everywhere. Oh, and we're still under a tornado watch. Fun.

In California, we don't have these sweeping thunderstorms that arrive, rain like mad, and disappear in the blink of an eye. We have these things called mountains that help trap the clouds over the San Fernando Valley so that when it rains in Cali, it's a solid three days or so. Texas is so flat that the weather just sweeps across quickly and is gone.

Crazy Texas weather.

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