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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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in search of the seven dwarves


Enh. I have nothing interesting to talk about today. Well, that's not really true; I have thoughts on just about anything, but I don't feel like writing them down at the moment. I do have to write something, I suppose, as I'll receive fuss from certain quarters (you know who you are) if I don't. Nice to know that I'm loved and that my thoughts and opinions and even my daily mundane tasks are eagerly anticipated; nonetheless, the pressure of such fame can be exhausting. In fact, from writing these few words, I already feel the need to go take a nap.

There are now two less critters in our house; Jen and Gavin arrived and picked them up last night. It's amazing how crazy it is with four dogs.

Today is a crew off day, which means that for ISO/CIO, it's supposed to be a short shift. So much for that. We've been busy like little bees (with the desire to sting a few people included) up until now, and now we're bored, but can't leave because we have to wait for some people to give us an answer on something that's not really even our concern. Much annoyance to be had.

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