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just call me three eyes


There is certainly something going around. Jen, Melanie and Sarah have all had issues with their contacts and eyes recently, and I was remarking to Becca only this morning a similar problem to Sarah's (the oversensitivity to sunlight) that I'd had once years ago but it went away so never did anything about it (me, avoid going to a doctor, surprise, surprise).

I should have kept my mouth shut. As usual.

Wearing contacts for as long as I have, there are bound to be some bad days. Occasionally, I'd get an eyelash or something in there, or a tear in the contact, that would aggravate the bejeezus out of my eye, and that seems to be the situation today, or at least, I'm hoping that it is. I've rinsed the thing off and checked for a rip (none), and yet, for some reason it's declared war on my eye so I've had to take it out. I think that it's just rebelling; I'm supposed to dispose of these after two weeks, and, well, let's just say that it's been a little bit longer than that. ;)

Going home to get my glasses isn't an option, so if I can't get the bloody thing to settle down and behave, I'll be working the rest of the day sans left contact. Currently, said contact is floating in a cup of water next to me with a bright pink stickie with "CONTACT" written in bold letters so that I don't accidentally a) drink it or b) toss it out.

Ugh. Stupid bad eyesight (how did my siblings escape?). So hate contacts. So want laser surgery.

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