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We like the MOOOON

1:22 p.m.

First off, here's your stupid space website for the day. It's kinda freaky. And noisy. And hilarious. And in case you're wondering, they're supposed to be squirrels.

So, Nick is feeling pretty lousy and we're not going to Prague this weekend. You know he must be really sick if he's actually willing to stay here. Brooke and Bavs are going to London this weekend. I'm insanely jealous. Not sure what I'll do. But, I'm going to go in March when Becky is there, so I'll get to see it. She'll be there March 9-15 and I'm nos sure if I'll be able to stay all seven days, but as we're primarily working on TP and don't have actual classes, I think I'll be able to swing it.

Today is the fifth day in a row that there's snow on the ground. It's not actually snowing, but it's still on the ground. It's a really beautiful day with the sun out and a lovely blue sky overhead. Very nice, but I just hope that it doesn't make the snow go away too fast!

Sunday is the first anniversary of the Columbia disaster. Hardly seems like it's been a year. I know exactly where I was and what I was doing. I pretty much spent all day on the phone. I called my parents in California and my dad answered; it was around 6 so he wasn't up and hadn't been watching the news. He asked, 'Is everything okay?' and I said, 'I'm fine, but everything's not okay. Turn on the news; there's a problem with the Shuttle.' I called everyone I knew, and spent a lot of time on the phone with my friends from work and we were all trying to figure out what had happened and what would it be like to go in on Monday because everything would be different. And it was. And still is.

I remember talking to a guy at a party about what it was like to work at NASA immediately after Challenger, never thinking that I would have a similar experience.

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