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If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you

6:26 p.m.

There's still a lot of snow on the ground. Yay! I love snow. Love it love it love it. It was snowing for most of today, too, alhtough it's stopped right now. Maybe it will snow some more again.

You might want to go back and look at my last entry because I've added a few pictures.

This weekend, Nick is thinking that we might go to Prague. As usual, he plans and I follow. Ruey's visa for Prague (being Canadian, he has to have a special one) runs out after this weekend and he got it specially to go to Prague, so to Prague we shall go. Will is planning a Super Bowl watching, so I guess it means missing that. However, I never really care about the actual game; I'm more interested in the commercials.

This year, the Super Bowl is being held in Houston and I guess things are really ramping up. NASA has a booth or something and if I were there, I'd work at it. But, I'm not. Poor me! ;) However, I am going to steal a piece from Sarah's entry; I don't know who she's quoting, but it's funny:

Still, I can't shake something. When we landed in Houston on Saturday my buddy Sal asked an interesting question.
"Do you think anyone has ever spent nine straight days in Houston without actually living there?"
He was serious.
And I couldn't answer him.

And this from Sarah herself:

becca and i were laughing over another article from the san jose paper where he said houston was about the worst place on earth, when becca said "it could be worse, it could be summer." oh, how right she is.

Yes, oh, how right they are. Which is one reason why I've decided that I'm never coming back. For another, I love the fact that I can hop between countries like it's no big deal, because it ain't. Can't do that in the states as have to go a long way to even get OUT of Texas, much less the US!

In other news, checking my hotmail account today I happened to look on the mainpage and noticed that NASA is #4 for the day's 5 most popular searches. Which sounds very encouraging, but check out #3. Here is the list:

Top 5 Search Movers
1. Golden Globes
2. Super Bowl
3. Britney Spears
5. Angels in America

Just behind Britney Spears. Nice.

But, must give kudos to NASA, landing two, not one, but TWO rovers on Mars. About bloody time! ;)

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