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it's not rocket science...which might be the problem


End of FD3; technically, start of FD4 now that crew's awake. I'm just a trainee, so when the on-coming ACO Systems arrived, I was kicked off. Jen is all-important (no sarcasm, really) FDO, so has to stay until end of handover. HURRY UP, JEN. Well...not her fault, so, rather, HURRY UP ORBIT 1 AND FINISH YOUR CONFERENCE SO ORBIT 3 CAN GO HOME.

What this means is that I can talk about the realization that I had today. I have lived, total, 15 months with Becca. In that time, we've had the same phone. The phone has really lame batteries that discharge quickly. Or so I thought. It always annoyed me when it was laying around because 1) it wasn't charging and 2) it's easier to find if it's on the charger. So I always put it in the charger. Keypad facing in. Today, I discovered that I am trully a dumbass. You see, it's supposed to go with the keypad facing out. Yes. 15 months, and I just discovered this. In my defense, I'd never seen it hung up keypad out, and you really can hang it up just fine with the keypad in. In fact, there are the little hooks and connectors, but obviously, it doesn't work. This blinding flash of realization went on when today I saw it hung up, keypad out, and went to turn it around and saw that there was a tiny red light on underneath and it turns out that that's the charging light and it's only lit when the keypad is out, not in. Huh.

Isn't it comforting to know that there are people like me working for NASA? Really explains a lot, doesn't it? ;)

Orbit 3 is released! Jen's ready to leave; gotta go!

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