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reminds me of some of the trips i took in europe


Today, I am going on a literally-24-hour trip to Frisco Bay. A good friend of mine from high school is tying the knot and I promised I'd go; I'm glad that I've made it work, but it's going to be such a whirlwind! I am at work until 3, 3:30 at the latest (!!), then to the airport where my flight leaves at 6p.m., arrive in SF at 8, meet up with everyone, go to the wedding and reception tomorrow, get on a plane 12:30 a.m. Sunday and arrive back here at 6 a.m. - total time spent in SF: less than 30 hours. Whew! However, despite the short period of time, definitely going to make sure that I have my In-N-Out; in California and no In-N-Out? Inconceivable!!

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