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dream a little dream


I have to write about my v. weird dream last night.

I was working console, but it was in an almost Medieval-like receiving room, complete with candles in wall sconces, similar to that in an episode of SG-1 that I watched recently and there were a lot of other people around, a few wearing headsets like me, most wandering around trance-like in white robes. I was talking to some people over the voice loops about their activities that were causing me a lot of work when, suddenly, Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon as Johnny and June Carter Cash showed up and gave an impromptu concert. All of the white-robed women threw themselves at Joaquin's feet and started fawning over him, but he still came over and talked to me. (It was my dream, after all.) I kept my microphone keyed so that everyone on the other end could listen. Later, we all went skiing in France and I became separated from the group, ending up on a drive through Tahoe. Then I woke up.

Joaquin, skiing, Tahoe - all in all, a pretty good dream.

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