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The world's longest run-on sentence

8:31 p.m.

So, this is short because it's late and I'm tired but today is Thanksgiving Day and although France certainly doesn't celebrate the holiday, us Americans, being American, do but because we have an assignment that had the report due this afternoon and the presentation tomorrow morning, again that whole thing about France not celebrating Thanksgiving, I know it's shocking, can you imagine, anyway, we decided not to have it today and instead we're doing it on Saturday and there's going to be a ton of food and a lot of people and we managed to scrounge up a turkey but it's only nine pounds which is really okay because no-one really has a large enough oven for a 20-lb bird and we're having a ham besides and a billion sides and there's going to be plenty of food and a lot of leftovers and even some decorations because Brooke received a package that had some and Nick received one, too, that had Thanksgiving plates and napkins although he's not here because he's in Missouri with his girlfriend, Krista, and her family and two other Americans, Margot and Heather, won't be here either but that's okay because there will still be a lot of people and it's just an excuse to get together and eat food and we even forgot that today was Thanksgiving and after our trip to the Observatory this afternoon, we stopped at McDonald's on the way back and it was only afterwards that Brooke and I realized that we had had McDonald's for Thanksgiving which is just crazy-talk but no crazy-talk is my brother, as Kelly would say, and by the way, Kelly is Canadian which reminds me that all of the Canadians are picking on us poor, abused Americans about how this is the "fake" Thanksgiving and we already had the "real" one but then we give it back to them by telling them that their's was just practice so that we could make sure we got it right for the one that's important but whatever, like I said, it's just an excuse to get together, hang out, drink wine at 2 PM, and gorge ourselves on food and we're even going to try and get a live-play of football over the internet to set the mood so how cool would that be and so, in conclusion, because Brooke and I both want to go home and get some sleep, this is an American in France hoping that all of you, in the US or wherever you are, thanks for making it this far had a spledorific and fantabulous Thanksgiving holiday!!!

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