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The WeatherPixie


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she's all i want and i've waited for so long


Mmm, Pepperiment Mocha.

The craziest weather that I've ever experienced was in Edinburgh, where, in the space of a few hours, we had snow, wind, rain, hail, and sun. Houston (motto: "Where the little Weather Wizards and Witches Go to Practice") is a close second. This morning, around 7ish, it was warmish and humidish. Now, it's coldish and rainyish (I like the extension -ish). There's a big storm moving through, according to my officemate, Trey, who is staring intently at the moving colors on his screen that indicate weather patterns. Most likely means my game tomorrow will be canceled. Unless, since there are no mountains to break the endless flat that is Texas, the clouds run over, dump their rain, and by tonight, it's clear again. Entirely possible.

In California, when it rained, you knew you were in it for several days because the clouds would butt up against the Sierra Nevadas and pour out their innards (there's a visual for ya) until they were empty and then stroll, light and fluffy, over to the desert known as Nevada. Here, just because it may seem as if the second coming by way of flood has arrived, it's possible that in an hour, there won't be a cloud in the sky. Ah, the joys of living in Houston.

The pants I am wearing today are itchy. Just thought that you should know.

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