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danishes in denmark


Little Miss Becca complained about people not updating their blogs in the morning. What about when they don't update them at all? ;) Okay, she and Sarah and Jen have an excuse - they were playing in a work golf tournament. How cool is that? Getting paid to take time off and play golf. I know that my dad would be v. interested.

Oh, and I have curtains now. Yay! Thanks to Dinesh for helping me put them up (or rather, for putting them up for me - my involvement was minimal).

Anyway, as promised, here is the first installment in the exciting Scandinavian adventures that we had this weekend. I know that y'all have been waiting breathlessly. Well, I will not play with your patience any longer. Besides, Beth put up her account, and one must keep up with the Joneses. Or in this case, the Rogerses.

As mentioned, we picked the car up on Wedensday at 6 p.m.. The plan was for an early night, but as usual, that didn't so much happen - I had rented Band of Brothers episodes 7 & 8 to watch. Anyway, getting up the next morning was not fun. I started off driving, Dinesh in the passenger seat, and Beth passed out in the back (she was rather sick, but determined to come). We left around 6:30 a.m. and drove non-stop for four hours to a rest stop just over the Danish border. Took a picture, filled up on fuel, restroom stop, and off we went, Dinesh driving. We went over a very neat-looking but expensive (32�) bridge to the island which held Copenhagen. We arrived around 1 p.m., visited the tourist office, and tracked down a hostel for the evening. It was really pretty, and I regret not getting up and exploring the next morning.

Back into the city. We wandered around, went to the Von Frelsers Kirke where the Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik were married on May 14th (there were still loads of signs around). We climbed the narrow 400-step staircase that winded its way past the 43 bells and around the outside to the top of the spire of the church where we had an incredible (and v. windy) panoramic view of the city. We stopped by the castle before going on a v. interesting canal tour which showcased the entire city, including the royal apartments, Christiania (a self-run town), Hans Christian Anderson street, and even the famed Little Mermaid watching over the harbor. We tried some local cuisine for dinner in Nyhaven - inside as we were all freezing cold. Then a little bit more wandering before back to the hostel.

The next morning, I woke up early and thinking it was about 8, I was preparing to get up when I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 6:30! So light! I snuggled in bed and read my book. As mentioned, I should have gotten up and explored around as the area was really quite lovely. Instead, it ended up being that both Dinesh and Beth had to wait for me - and I was the first one awake! Ah well. Dinesh had found a bakery and we all headed over there to have some v. yummy real Danishes in Denmark (even though I had to hurridly eat mine and drive at the same time). There was a line - and when locals are lined up, you know it's good!

Taking an, um, interesting route to the freeway, we were on our way to Norway via Sweden, over the cool new 16-km long bridge (also about 32�); the main posts of which reminded me a little of the stone kings in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring on either side of the river at the end of the movie because they were so tall and imposing. Since this is long enough, our adventures in Sweden and Norway will have to wait for the morrow.

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