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happy morning to you


I am on console this week, and on this, Day 1, forgot to bring lunch. Brilliant! In addition to breaking the console VCR and getting bombarded with simple questions within my first five minutes on, resulting in my giving exceedingly stupid answers, I can already tell that it's going to be one heck of a week on console.

But back to lunch. A friend was over and he ran down and got me a chicken sandwich from le vending machine (complete with blue cheese-flavored cheese product). I am rather scared of it - there is no Nutritional Content listed, and the wrapper states that, after defrosting, it can stay in the refrigerator for two weeks. No normal food can do that. Obviously, I am not eating real chicken. What it is, I don't want to know. And it's probably better *not* knowing the Nutritional Content. In fact, it's possible that it's not on there because there isn't any! ;)

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