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Sleep offset: 40 hours

6:35 p.m.

When I was back at EarthKAM at UCSD, during the STS-99 mission in February of 2000, there were several people (Rachael and Dave, mainly) who had set up a "sleep offset" clock to keep track of the amount of non-sleep they were getting. I feel like that right now. I've been awake since about 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning. That's what, um, almost 36 hours and it's likely I'll be up for maybe another 4, so that makes 40. Fun. I have never gone so long without sleep in my life. But, fortunately, the dang report is DONE. It's DONE, I tell you, DONE!!! And with more drama than I really needed.

I had gone to the bank with Nick and Beth (to cancel my housing insurance and trade in my bank card for one that is also a Visa so it will work in Germany) and when I came back, I took a look at our report, and noticed that well, it was missing the conclusion. Rather an important part. Both Michael and Ren� had left; they were the ones who know latex well and built the report. So, I tracked down Esa, who also knows it, and he managed to build one with my conclusion - except that it took it from 148 pages to 161 pages (our limit is 150). Definitely something wrong. So, after trying to figure out what had just happened, Ollie took Dinesh to get Ren� (Dinesh and Ren� live in the same building). They managed to kidnap Ren� who had been just about to leave, drag him back here, and he helped us fix it (it was a font issue that was dependant on the computer). He redid it, all changes included, not more than fifteen minutes ago. Whew! Craziness.

I was really, really beat, but boy, that rush of adrenaline woke me up and I'm still running off of it now. I'll crash hard tonight, for sure!

In other news, Beth and I finally have a place to live! Yay! Unfortunately, the landlord doesn't speak English. That will be interesting. We're going to meet him at the housing agency which helped us find the place. They speak English, so at least the initial details will be able to be worked out with minimal misunderstanding.

Now, I just have to pack up the apartment. What fun that will be!!!

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