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Resistance is futile...

12:13 a.m.

So another one bites the dust. Jen has joined the dark side and started keeping a diary. Yay, Jen! It makes being over in France feel so much less disconnected from all of the goings on the home folks in Houston. Now, if only I could get Katie to start one (hint hint).

Well, I am in the midst of frantic editing of our final report (of which you can check out the latest version), tho' not as crazy as it was for the Literature Review from last fall. However, an all-nighter does appear to be in the cards. But, I did bring a pillow so I am prepared. Somewhat. And Alba is using it right now. Okay, so much for that. Never mind. We have a lot of food and I've been eating junk pretty much all day.

We had our dry run presentation this morning. It's really good, if I say so myself. We have a couple of videos. However, there were some rather, um, unfortunate comments that really made some students feel quite uncomfortable, and led to an 'e-mail' fire. In fact, us poor Americans have been a little beaten on lately, both by another classmate and then by the faculty. Granted, most of it we can take, and a good portion is deserved, but is it really necessary to tell us to turn in our passports because apparently we don't love our country (based on our culture night presentation) or that our TP presentation team is American-heavy when we have one American, one Canadian, and one Brit and the rest (~5) are non-native English speakers? Gotta love it.

5:20 a.m.

So, yes, been up all night. Everyone's pretty much gone home except Kelly and I. It's due at noon. Seems like we're so close, yet so far. At least we're not as bad off as the other team who is doing theirs in MS Word (we're doing ours in Latex) and when they combined it into one big document, all their formatting went downhill. Mark gave up and is taking a nap. Such fun. After this, it's frantically try to pack up my stuff and clean my room. Also, still haven't received any word back from the Bremen HousingCompany; did talk to the guy and we can have the place (yay!) but he doesn't speak English so we're hoping that the company will help us out, since we are paying them a nice little commission...

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