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I am on crutches. Sort of, and involuntarily (who isn't?). And I have to apologize to Becca, to whom we gave plenty of grief last year when she resisted using the crutches given to her by the clinic after twisting her ankle in Patagonia.

My foot, it is not healing in the way that it should, and the doctor said that I must keep off it more. I made the mistake of telling this to a friend who is like a surrogate father in some respects, so he brought in his crutches and has been nagging me about using them, so I have...somewhat. I have no problems with the actual usage, having already been on them twice previously, I just feel stupid; I can walk fine, thank you very much (even though I shouldn't) and keeping my foot up isn't the problem, either, it's just that it's so tempting to use it - The ground! It's right there! My foot can touch it, it wants to touch it!

I'd feel much less stupid if there were a see-I'm-not-faking-it cast on my leg, which would have the more important benefit of forcing me to use the crutches; no temptation to walk when you can't touch the ground. However, I don't truly wish it; a veteran of several casts, I know that they are more of a pain in the patootie than they're worth (so it often seems, anyway), making showering rather difficult and going to Becca's cottage at the end of the month not at ALL enjoyable (did the arm cast thing in Mexico at 15; not only did I have a horrid tan line, but camping on the beach for a week and not being able to go near the water was TORTURE).

Of course, if the doctor says that I must have surgery, then I will have a bundled-up foot that cannot touch the ground and therefore I will definitely be on crutches. So, as I want to ride a horse sometime in the near future - can't now because of this thing and surgery would only prolong the exile - I am sucking it up and using them now. Sometimes.


I am enjoying my Russian classes immensely. Russian is so efficient compared to English. Take this sentence:

"Don't you eat it all because you'll be in trouble!"

In Russian, you only have to say "Ne syesh vcye!" to convey the same thing. Three syllables - isn't Russian awesome?

Well, I've been here long enough that I'm sure someone is going to start sending me nasty e-mails telling me to go home already, so I will hobble out to my car - on crutches, like a good girl - and go make myself a v. tasty sandwich (ham, horseradish cheddar, avocado, tomato - de-lish).

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