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so i grabbed a tire tool and i broke my window, hurt my elbow got me in though


Yesterday, Becca, Sarah, Jose, Jen and I all went to the rodeo to see Gretchen Wilson. Sarah, Jen and Jose arrived early to hit more rides, with Becca and I arriving later. They saw Becca first and teased her for country-ish outfit, which paled in comparison to mine - straw cowboy hat, belt buckle and ropers. =)

I liked Gretchen Wilson before seeing her in concert, and I like her even better now. She started off with her (first?) single, "I'm Here for the Party", did some songs from her new album, including a random (but excellent) jazzy number. She then did a bluegrass song and several covers from her "influences, including "Barracuda" and a couple heavy metal songs. The craziest thing is that she managed to pull all of it off; country, jazz, bluegrass, rock and roll - the girl can do it all. She was amazing. Jen and I started grooving to "Here for the Party", prompting Becca, sitting between us, to switch seats with Jen so that she and I were sitting together, belting out the words to the songs. I totally called it - she ended with "All Jacked Up", my favorite, and did "Redneck Woman" for her planned encore.

So awesome! I almost didn't go, and am SO glad that I did.

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