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when three talk show hosts are trying to fill air time


Stephen Colbert had been claiming for a long time that he made Mike Huckabee because he (Colbert) had had Huckabee on his (Colbert's) show several times, thereby giving him (Huckabee) the "Colbert Bump". With the strike and nothing better to do, Conan O'Brian and Jon Stewart got in on the act, resulting in all three showing up on each other's shows on the same night (Monday 2/4, I believe) to brawl. The appearances were certainly very funny, but the best was the finale that occurred on Conan's show.

Huckabee totally cracks me up and is a really good sport. Except for his, oh, I don't know, not believing in evolution (and a few other things), he's a pretty decent guy.

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