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three hogs in space


Sunday, the space shuttle orbiter Atlantis undocked from ISS, leaving it, for the first time since November 2002, with a new component, the P3/4 truss segement. It's currently still in orbit with a planned landing on Wednesday morning. Monday (yesterday), the Soyuz carrying the Expedition 14 crew launched. Today, there was a three-way conference between the ISS, the Soyuz and the orbiter. It was awesome. With all of the US and Russian activities throughout history, I don't know that we've never had three manned vehicles in space before, but I do know that this is the first time that a) there's three separate vehicles carrying Americans and b) in-space communication between all three. In addition, one of two Progress vehicles undocked from the ISS overnight, so it's a little crowded in the sky this morning.

It is times such as this that it's brought home to me just how cool of a job I really have.

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