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travels in dreamland


I've been having really random dreams lately, and all have been either work or baby-related; I'm not pregnant, but two very good friends are, 1 close to her due date.

Last night I dreamt that I'd submitted two computer requests at work, which I also did in real-life, but in the dream, I'd forgotten to fill out the rationale portion of one of the forms and was not only denied that particular request, but the other and notified that any future requests from me, regardless of nature, would be immediately and unceremoniously rejected. I checked this morning and the rationale is filled out; not that the above consequences would really have occurred had I not.

The night before, I dreamt that I married a man whose last name was Bennet and that I was pregnant with a girl. With that last name, the thoughts of anyone who has even heard of Pride and Prejudice immediately jump to the name "Elizabeth", and Becca teased me mercilessly that that was what I would name the baby. Despite my repeated protests, she wouldn't stop. Finally, I snapped at her, "Yes, that's just what I'm going to do - name my baby Elizabeth Bennet, thereby guaranteeing that she will hate anything and everything to do with Jane Austen. That's just what I want." Then I accused her that her constant barrage was to ensure that I *didn't* name the baby Elizabeth (such a ploy may have been known to work on me in the past).

The third dream was also baby-related - Gavin was out of town and Jen went into labor and called me to come be in the room with her, and I actually dealt with it pretty well. I even went out into the waiting room where Becca, Sarah, Jose and Gavin's parents were waiting to tell them.

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