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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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we would stand in the wind | we were free like water | flowing down


Becca commented that I seem to work Orbit 1 when I work console, and not so much Orbit 2. She's right; I haven't worked O2 in ages. That's okay, I don't mind Orbit 1, it's just getting past the first day that's the worst. Ugh. And this one is no exception. After a somewhat productive weekend (finally unpacked from my last two trips, including doing mounds of laundry), and eating my weight in excellent homemade food, I went to bed around 9 p.m. and tried to catch ~4 hours of sleep, which didn't really work so well. I couldn't get comforable, and not sure how much I slept, but was awake at least on the hour every hour between 9 and 1. Did sleep for ~30 minutes at one point because I remember dreaming about being back at UCSD and yet still having to work at 1:30. Anyway, makes for a pretty muddy morning today. I'm off at 10, and thankfully, no need to stay (as sometimes happens), so I can go right home and go to sleep, although, by then, I'm usually fairly awake so maybe I'll first watch one of three movies borrowed from Sarah, and then sleep; although, not sure watching The Patriot would be the smartest idea! =) So maybe I'll watch For Love of the Game or the other one which I've forgotten what it is. Sorry for the rambling; tired.

As mentioned, yesterday went over to a friend's house for Easter eating. I can't say brunch, lunch or dinner because it was one big feast of homemade goodness from 1:30 until 8:30; well, that's how long Becca and I were there. Good food, good company, no wonder the time flew by. I knew today was going to be tough, and it is, but I'm glad that I stayed as long as I did; I even took a nap for ~1 hour, waking up just before everyone came in and piled on the bed with me. Have some good pictures of that! =)

Becca has a sim this morning, so, goddess that she is, she's going to bring me sustenance in the form of a Starbucks mocha at about 6:30 (or so). Only three more hours to go...

By the way, does anyone have ideas for a present for a college grad? My sister is graduating from Azusa Pacific University in SoCal in a few weeks and I don't know what to get her. She's a Communication major and APU is a Christian uni, if that helps. Since I can't take comments on this site, e-mail me here with ideas.

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