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livin' on the edge


There are some days when I feel more like a slacker than usual. This, as one may guess, is just such a day. Everyone else seemed to be on time/early, so that I was banished to the very back of the parking lot.

Two interesting observations, however, made as I walked past the seemingly endless line of cars towards my building. The first - best taillight covers EVER. We've all seen the Dodge ones, with the ram's head cut outs, but these were rearing horses. If I ever have a truck again, I'm definitely getting those! Second, worst sticker EVER - seen on a rear window that had a picture of Lady Liberty's head and "Go home. America's full." written underneath. Are you kidding me??

One of the hazards of starting the day late, in addition to the fact that I feel as if it's already gone, is that I tend to become stupid. When I came to the street, I stood at the crosswalk and waited for all of the cars to go by. I tried to, anyway; they all stopped at the crosswalk, courteously waiting for me to cross, per standard procedure. I stared at them for a while, they at me, before I realized the situation.

Then I passed one of the security guards just as I realized that I had left my badge in the car.

Good thing that I'm not in the sim today!

By the way, happy Yuri's Night, everyone! I hope that you're all going to go out and enjoy it, in whatever manner you choose. Also, here is a (v. cool) screen saver in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the first Space Shuttle launch.

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