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space-time continuum


Interesting quantum occurance the other day...

I was walking Bennet and there was a lady walking a German Shephard heading towards me on the path. Just before meeting, she veered off to my left. I continued on the path around the lake and then cut across a field to our neighborhood. As I was walking down the street, the lady and dog again passed me. Took me completely by surprise as I could not figure out how that happened. I took the most direct route from point A to B, and she was walking in the same direction as she was before (north to south, both times), so it's not like she just walked up and back. And if she'd taken a longer route, by all rights, she should not have passed me at the location she did. She was walking faster than I, granted, but the long way around is quite a bit longer, and she was not headed in that direction the first time I saw her. Having tried to do so and failed, I know that there's no getting around the laws of physics, so the most logical answer is that she did indeed take the long way around and is a much faster walker that I originally credited her with being. (Incidentally, there really are only two ways around, and I am positive that it was the same woman and dog.)

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