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bidding bremen adieu


Today looks like it might be a good day. It at least started out that way...on the tram to work this morning, I was reading my book when I happened to look up and there's this really, really cute guy in a van waiting at the light who was looking at me, and when he caught my eye, smiled and waved. Lovely! Always nice to get admiring glances, especially when it is from someone who deserves one in return.

Now if only I can get my thesis done and in before 16:59 this afternoon...

Article on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), part of the preparation for going back to the Moon, set for launch in 2008. It is a little depressing that in fifty years (50th anniversay is 2019, and about when we *should* be there again), all we are doing is going back to the moon. Well, this time, with better technology, better equipment, and a better understanding of the human body in space, in fifty years from 2019, we will have progressed much further.

From Sarah's blog - a profanity-laden article in the Onion about the Moon landing. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Moon landing on July 20th, 1969.

I likely won't post again for almost a week; today is my last day at EADS =( and then it's off to Paris =) on Sunday, and to Strasbourg on Thursday. I'll hopefully throw up a couple during that final week at school (when I'm not out with the gang), but then I'm gallivanting around Southern Europe, so it's really going to be touch and go from here on out until I return to Houston.

10:47 a.m.

Well, I certainly seem to be going out on a good note! Sabine (my officemate who has been helping with the whole Eurorail tickets/FedEx fiasco) just received some good news for me; it seems that the head of the Airbus post office is willing to reimburse me! Since it's 400�, I am very happy about that. My report seems to be coming along, so hopefully it will not be my frantically trying to finish at the last minute. And Beth received an invitation to apply for a job in Vancouver, so good days all around!

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