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what's next?


Becca and I just finished watching the last "West Wing" episode. I'm more sad about this show ending than I have been about any other. Ever.

They didn't tie up all of the loose ends, but thinking about it, that's okay. There's enough implication to indicate in what direction some of the paths might follow, but it's not a happily-ever-after, peaches-and-cream ending. I think that if they had tried to do that, then it would seem less real. Rather, it gives the impression that it's not finished, that we had a seven-year glimpse into the lives of these people and that they'll be continuing on after the cameras are turned off.

Maybe it was the behind-the-scenes action, the chemistry of the characters, or nothing more than the fact that it was about a liberal President and staff that fell more in line with how I feel things should be, but it was much easier for me to care about and be interested in this TV administration than I've ever had in our own. Take that as a sad commentary on the American public, of which the average citizen can name more members of the British Royal Family than of what's-his-name's Administration, or damn good television or however you will, but all I have to say is...what's next?

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